Friday favorites….

Hey guys, Happy New Year and welcome back to my blog. I do hope you all had a swell holiday and celebration. well I did and it was amazing, however,  the holidays have come and gone and now work has resumed for most people,  although,  I’m sure some of you are still in your villages, sleeping and eating fresh vegetables, pounded yam and delicious egusi soup, I wish I were doing that right now 😊😋. But yes, the holidays have come and gone and it’s time to get back to work. I woke up this morning thinking “I haven’t blogged in a long while, I need to create a fun, interesting and loooooooonnnnnggg post for you guys” lol so I thought “why not do like a Friday favorites post”. A post where I get to share my favorite things of the week, ranging from books (I have so many that I rarely read both physical and ebooks), songs, movies, shows, accessories, clothes, brands, instagram handles, things I thrifted or spent ridiculous amount of money on, basically anything and everything I feel I’ve liked during the week.

So without further ado, here they are:

  1. BAGS: So, I had the chance to go to Yaba on Tuesday, I wasn’t actually intending to get anything, I just wanted to see someone and getting to the market, I saw a bag shop and I figured I should get a backpack, something that I can conveniently use to carry my new  laptop and other little things and also use to pack a few clothes in case I’m going on a short trip.  After searching for awhile, seeing different types,  sizes  and arguing about prices, like I normally do (if you want to go shopping, take me along, I’m a very good bargainer, I always get my way 🙂 ALWAYS) 😊I was about to do the I’m going trick when I saw this red beauty hanging in plain sight and I’m like how did I not see this?! So, I straightened my face and ask how much it cost, the guy said 9500, I smiled, too expensive but I really needed it, it looked amazing, I said a little prayer and I tried again, using all the tricks in the book, I said I must get that bag whether the devil likes it or not, and my buying price was 4500 last!!!!! After much pleading and promises to be a loyal customer, the man finally agreed and I cried a little. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier, I paid and quickly ran away in case he changed his mind. lol…. so yeah, this bag looks amazing, string and very deep and comes with a earpiece port that you connect via the handle into your bag, meaning you don’t have to hold your phone on your hands while walking or travelling on a bus. I don’t think I’ll be using that feature much though. The feel is amazing and strong and the details are just dope. And its Red!!!!!!!  I love it!!!!!

2.  ACCESORIES: any one that really knows me, anyone that has been in my room, anyone that sees me on a daily basis or at least from time to time can ably tell you that the one stable piece of thing that you will always see on me are accessories!!!! I freaking love them…. The thing is this, I don’t necessarily go for overly expensive or high end trendy pieces, I just I just pick anything I feel looks cool and expressive and honestly I mostly get my pieces from your local passer-by mallams  or thrift shops.

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3.  CASES:  So, I finally got into the whole online shopping thing, I’ve honestly never been a fan of it but over the last 3 months or so, I find myself going through the jumia app, saving items that I really need and can afford, items I don’t necessarily need but are still kinda cute to waste money on and items that I know I will not even try to buy ( 1million naira for a camera?! 🤨😑 nope.) Anyone that uses a Samsung phone knows the struggle and pain it takes to find a very dope and expressive phone case, my last 2 trips to computer village was very regrettable, plain ass cases, designs, colours or anything just dull but functional though. so I saw a couple of this ones on jumia and I’ve been in love with them since!!!!!!!

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4.    LAPTOP: (I am legit screaming typing this, I’m beyond excited about this investment… I’ve been pining to get a new laptop for the absolute longest time and when I had finally saved enough, I knew I had to get a very good one, regardless of how dry my account will look once I purchased it and boy did it look dry!!!!!! But I’m very happy I got this cause honestly, its something I’ve absolutely needed and special shout out to kehinde savage for pushing/gabbing  me to get a new one cause my old one was busted as fuck!!!!! I got this one from jumia too, and it came 2 days later. This is the HP 15 intel core, 4gb and 1tb hdd windows 10 laptop. and its so easy to operate.

5.     MOVIES/TV SERIES:  there are so many movies and shows I’m currently watching rn, my external hard drive is packed full with movies and tv series (90% of which I’ve not watched yet) so I decided to share the ones I have actually watched and why y’all should also check them out.
  • Greenbook: I absolutely love this movie. Gosh, the storyline is so beautiful, captivating, interesting and real. There’s no sugarcoating it’s time reference and culture, Mahershala’s role in this movie is beyond amazing. His grace and poise even when he was angry is something I aspire to be. A very interesting movie.. “The world is filled with lonely people afraid to make the first move”
  • Schitts creek: I think this is honestly one of the most underrated TV shows in the world rn.
  • People dont get how funny this show is. The dynamic relationship between each member of the family, their sarcastic remarks, quips and pitches, it’s hilarious to watch.
  • Sex education:
  • This is honestly one of my favorite series I’ve watched this yeah, hands down. Its beyond amazing and interesting. The stories are very real and relatable. You see “sex education” and you’re probably weirded out abit thinking it’s just sex, teens, drugs or whatever  but as much as it is about sex, it’s not necessarily about sex. It’s just a very enlightening series, that shows you the very broaden and complicated mind of a teenager, how they go through each day, dealing with issues ranging from sex, love, bullies, desire to find oneself, trying to please everyone and reaching that breaking point where you no longer know who u are or what u want, sexual orientation and so on and so forth. It is a must watch and it’s been recieving great reviews.

6.    SONGS: I’m going to do a proper music Monday post next week and it will include my latest playlist and album reviews….. But I just felt like I had to share some of the songs I’ve been intensely listening to these past couple of days….
  • Westlife  (Hello my love)
  • Sam smith (fire on fire)
  • Panic at the disco (High Hopes)
  • Aretha Franklin (Bridge over troubled water)

7.     READS: This I had to include cause I feel like you’re not a lifestyle or fashion blogger if you dont have (new or old) this magazine. Not saying it’s a must, but it kinda is…. 😏

I got this a couple of days back, after watching Greenbook where Mahershala Ali started in and I know it’s an old issue, but I guess nostalgia made me do it. His story is quite interesting and positive too…. Amazing man.

Okay guys, there you have it….. I did tell you that this post will be long as hell.😁😋😊 I’m honestly having intense headache rn. But it’s all well and good.
Thank you so very much for reading.. please like and comment your thoughts and feedback on the post, critics are highly welcome.
Please follow me on
Thanks again…. Have a dope ass weekend.

11 thoughts on “Friday favorites….

  1. This is me disregarding the blogpost and attempting to expose your lie!!! Everyone, he has a million cases! He got over one million in just three months! He is losing it! 😂🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love to collect hand and wrist decoratives too. I’m a sucker for bangles and rings.
    Your series/ movie choices look great. You should do another post on current series you’re seeing or top 20 or something

    Liked by 1 person

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