Story Time. My visit to the dentist.

I came to luth for dental check up today. Tbh, I get very anxious foing places, meeting new people (even knowing the fact that I’ll probably not see them again) just being in public generally makes me feel weird. But my teeth has been aching their out of me for weeks now and I just had come down here. I got here early in the morning from the advise of a staff and just trying to beat the rush. (First come first serve kinda thing, the earlier you come, the quicker you get treated), waited patiently till about 8.10, the doctors and students started tropping in, the receptionist was amazing. Which I was weirdly surprised about because service in Nigeria, especially from non medical and even medical staffs. So, that took me aback tbh and was really refreshing as I felt my anxiety reduce abit. Made the necessary payments and was waiting on the student doctor. A bright eyed young girl called my name and asked me to follow her. We went to a private space and just started talking. I’m not an easy talker, like I dont like talking at all. I mostly just listen but I felt like in that moment, it was a no judgement space and everything was going to be fine. She asked a couple of questions, which I answered truthfully, she did her examinations, took some notes during which time I was watching keeping up with the Kardashians( its weirdly addictive). We got done and I made the necessary payments and went to the cray room. Now while I was waiting my turn, I heard some cries in the room and I asked the nurse if the process was painful and she said no, that there was a kid with special need inside and he was afraid of the machine. And my heart melted. I felt this pang in my chest. His mom came out and was scared and teary eyed. I wanted to just get up and hug her. A female doctor did tho. Then a Male doctor went in there and talked the boy down in yoruba and they started counting to ten and by the third count they were done and clapping for the guy and how amazing he was. I smiled. It was a beautiful moment. It made me realize that fear is not just subjected to a particular person or thing, you aren’t the only one who experiences a specific type of fear, regardless of your status, challenges or sex, we all experience it and what really helps us overcome it, sometimes it’s just our sheer will but other times, it’s the people around us. The ones ready to tell us “yo, it’s easy, it’s not painful, you can get through this, you will be fine, I am here for you” . These affirmations and conversations help. They help alot. I commended the doctor (which now that I’m thinking about it, it’s a strange thing for me to do, talk to people, especially in hospitals but the air here was just different and welcoming) and he said, “you have to always be ready to deal with different kinds of people with different emotions and behaviors, it’s a human thing” and he smiled. That made me smile. Its not just about doing a job or doing what you’re used to doing, it’s being human, seeing someone who’s in need and frightened and being able to help them, not just because you’re in the position to, but because you should, it’s the right thing to do.

Now, I got to meet the main doctor and consultant in a room filled with students and walking in I was like “fuuuuuccckkkk!!!!! I’m about to open my mouth in a room filled with not just one stranger but iver 10 students!!!!!” My anxiety creeped back in but I was like “dude, chill, it’s a learning thing and you’ll never see these people again, plus, if you dont do this, you’ll have this pain forever!!!!” Then I think the doctor noticed how anxious I was and made a joke about me not breaking their chair, since I was shaking so much. Lol. That made me laugh, she started doing the examination, exposing my mouth to the whole room, asking questions and teaching and my eyes are shit and I’m thinking “yo, I’m a human Guinea pig and I should’ve eaten before coming here” I wasnt nervous, she didnt make it weird, I was actually living for the whole thing. I mean it’s weird that people get to see inside my mouth and shit but it wasnt weird weird, it was okay.

We finished the exams and I decided to extract the tooth. Oh I’m reading that rn. (Oh ps. I’m currently in the hospital, like this is happening as I am writing this now, I dont want to forget anything about this experience)

The extraction. I got to the surgical room and laid down on the bed as directed. The student doctor came up to me, Introduced herself and told me what she was about to do, I already knew what was about to happen cause this was my second time extracting a tooth. So I had a fair idea about what was about to happen. She said she was about to inject me with something that would make my gum feel numb so that I wont feel any pain when they extract the tooth, she injected the drug in my gum, *which hurt as hell btw* and after a couple of minutes, I started feeling this weird sensation in my tongue and lips, she did her examination and I still felt pain, so she injected me again. My lip feels fucking heavy rn. Anyways, after a min, I was ready, let the extraction begin. The doctor came in. Started doing his thing, digging and shit and I didnt feel any pain, (which was a big relief cause the way he was digging it was like there was gold at the end of my gum lol) after awhile, he called one of the female students to come continue and at first I was like hell no, do ur job (although I couldn’t communicate well cause my mouth was heavy as shit) he reassured me that everything would be fine and I deadass said “babe, don’t fuck my mouth up please” I think they heard me cause the whole room bursted out laughing ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ . So she did her job and within 5mins, the tooth was out. Big ass tooth I might add. But it was out and i was relieved. They told me the do’s and don’ts and what to expect, your basic post op infos. My mouth still feels heavy, I dunno if I’ll eat tonight.

What I really enjoyed about the whole experience and yes I said enjoyed, was the teaching. That feeling of being in a learning environment. It somehow made me miss school and that rush. Idk. But aside that, the service was amazing and genuinely helpful and kind. The staffs and students, freaking cool and intelligent. Overall, my aching tooth is out, I met cool people and got out of my comfort zone and handled my anxiety pretty well. I’m growing. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคด๐Ÿพ

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